اقف على حافة ديسمبر وأبتسم لسنة راحلة و سوف انسى من اساء اليي 😔 واستقبل من اراد الدخول في حياتي بحب💜سوف أقول للراحلين وداعا وللقادمين اهلا 😊 سأجعل السنة الراحلة نهاية لكل قصة مؤلمة حدثت لي وبداية قصة سعيدة☺ واسأل الله ان يرزقني واياكم بالصحة والخير والعافية وامد الله في عمري واعماركم بكل ما فيه خير لي ولكم وان تتحقق كل امانيني وامانيكم التي لم تتأملوها مع تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق واهلا بسنة 2018 💃
مدونة عبدالعزيز العيساوي Aziz Esawi's Blog
بسم الله الرجمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
من طرائف الشيخ عبدالله المطلق
إقرأ واضحك مع الشيخ عبدالله المطلق منقول
إتصلت إمرأة على الشيخ وسألته سؤال وبعد ما أجاب على السؤال قالت له: يا شيخ أدع لي الله أن يرزقني الشيخ محمد العريفي زوجآ لي
رد عليــها الشيخ وكما هو معروف عنه سرعة البديهه وقال: أنت تريدين الشيخ العريفي لجماله ولا لعلمه؟
قالت له السائلة: لعلمه يا شيخ
قال لها: إذآ الشيخ صالح السدحان أعلم منه، سأدعو لك أن يرزقك الله إياه زوجاً
مقدم البرنامج ما قدر يمسك نفسه من الضحك
إتصلت إمرأة على الشيخ وسألته سؤال وبعد ما أجاب على السؤال قالت له: يا شيخ أدع لي الله أن يرزقني الشيخ محمد العريفي زوجآ لي
رد عليــها الشيخ وكما هو معروف عنه سرعة البديهه وقال: أنت تريدين الشيخ العريفي لجماله ولا لعلمه؟
قالت له السائلة: لعلمه يا شيخ
قال لها: إذآ الشيخ صالح السدحان أعلم منه، سأدعو لك أن يرزقك الله إياه زوجاً
مقدم البرنامج ما قدر يمسك نفسه من الضحك
أحد المتصلين سأل الشيخ.. قاله ياشيخ يجوز أكل لحم البطريق؟؟
قاله الشيخ إذا لقيته كله
قاله الشيخ إذا لقيته كله
في أحد البرامج أتصل عليه سائل وقال ياشيخ :(أنا أدخل بالجوال في دورة المياه ومخزن فيه القرآن الكريم) هل يجوز ذلك؟
جاوبه الشيخ المطلق لابأس !
كرر السؤال فقال : لكن فيه القرآن مخزن؟؟
قال الشيخ : يا أخي لا بأس هو محفوظ في ذاكرة الجهاز !
رد السائل بقوله : هذا القرآن يا شيخ هل يجوز أن يدخل دورة المياة!
قال الشيخ : أنت حافظ شئ من القرآن؟
جاوب السائل : نعم يا شيخ حافظ الكثير
قال الشيخ : خلاص اذا بغيت تدخل دورة المياه خل مخك برا
إتصل واحد على الشيخ وقاله: أنا أريد أتزوج على زوجتي مع أنها ليست مقصره.. آخذ أجر ستر على بنت؟
قال له الشيخ : بدل ما تزعل الأولى أعط فلوسك لشاب يتزوج وبتكون أخذت أجريين أجر سترت البنت والشاب
جاوبه الشيخ المطلق لابأس !
كرر السؤال فقال : لكن فيه القرآن مخزن؟؟
قال الشيخ : يا أخي لا بأس هو محفوظ في ذاكرة الجهاز !
رد السائل بقوله : هذا القرآن يا شيخ هل يجوز أن يدخل دورة المياة!
قال الشيخ : أنت حافظ شئ من القرآن؟
جاوب السائل : نعم يا شيخ حافظ الكثير
قال الشيخ : خلاص اذا بغيت تدخل دورة المياه خل مخك برا
إتصل واحد على الشيخ وقاله: أنا أريد أتزوج على زوجتي مع أنها ليست مقصره.. آخذ أجر ستر على بنت؟
قال له الشيخ : بدل ما تزعل الأولى أعط فلوسك لشاب يتزوج وبتكون أخذت أجريين أجر سترت البنت والشاب
إتصل واحد على الشيخ وقال له: ياشيخ لو كنت أصلي في غابة ومر أسد قدامي أقطع صلاتي ولا أكملها ؟
قال له الشيخ: إذا بقيت على وضوءك كملها
قال له الشيخ: إذا بقيت على وضوءك كملها
ابتسموا... فسبحان من جعل الابتسامة في ديننا عبادة نؤجر عليها
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Cisco ASA Security Levels Explained
If you are studying about Cisco ASA, then it is very important to understand the idea of Cisco ASA Security Levels.
The idea behind security level is about trusting traffic from one interface to another. In other words, is the traffic allowed to pass from one interface to another or not?
Cisco recommends using names for each interface when assigning IP addresses to the interfaces (ex, inside, outside, DMZ, ...etc). When using the inside for an interface, it will be automatically give a security level of 100, all other interfaces will be give a security level of 0. Notice that the security level can be changed on each interface. Here is the summary of Cisco ASA Security Levels:
If you are studying about Cisco ASA, then it is very important to understand the idea of Cisco ASA Security Levels.
The idea behind security level is about trusting traffic from one interface to another. In other words, is the traffic allowed to pass from one interface to another or not?
Cisco recommends using names for each interface when assigning IP addresses to the interfaces (ex, inside, outside, DMZ, ...etc). When using the inside for an interface, it will be automatically give a security level of 100, all other interfaces will be give a security level of 0. Notice that the security level can be changed on each interface. Here is the summary of Cisco ASA Security Levels:
- The security level is ranged between (0-100)
- The higher security level has a greater amount of trust (Traffic can move from a higher security level to a lower security level)
- Traffic from a lower security level is not permitted to a higher security level.
- The traffic is not permitted between the interfaces with the same security level
- The inside interface is always given the highest security level (100)
If you are still confused, the easy way to remember is to use the following quote
"Low to High, let the packet die! High to Low, go" Brandon Carroll
So, how to let the traffic not to die is in the next lesson Insha' Allah.
Saturday, 27 February 2016
ASDM on Cisco ASA Step by Step
This post explains how to enable ASDM on Cisco ASA.
This post explains how to enable ASDM on Cisco ASA.
- The first thing you need is to have an interface with an IP address and nameif configured. In my case I have the interface gig0 with the ip address of with nameif inside,
- You need to copy the ASDM file into your ASA Flash using the command copy tftp: flash as shown below:
3. Wait for some seconds until the upload finishes.
4. Now, to make sure that the ASDM file is uploaded use the command dir
ciscoasa(config)# dir
Directory of disk0:/
3 drwx 4096 18:26:48 Feb 26 2016 log
8 drwx 4096 18:26:52 Feb 26 2016 coredumpinfo
13 -rwx 196 18:26:52 Feb 26 2016 upgrade_startup_errors_201602261826.log
11 -rwx 196 18:47:40 Feb 27 2016 upgrade_startup_errors_201602271847.log
17 -rwx 17232256 19:48:08 Feb 27 2016 asdm-645-206.bin
268136448 bytes total (250843136 bytes free)
As you can see in the last line, the asdm file is there.
- Now enable http function on ASA using the command
ASA(config)# http server enable
- You will need to tell the ASA which IP address can access the ASA ASDM. In my case the IP address of my PC is including the nameif
ASA(config)# http inside
- Now to make sure that the https works, go to your web browser and type You will get a warning, because this is a self signed certificate. Click on proceed. You will get the following screen
- Choose the first option to download the ASDM Launcher and then install it.
- Run the ASDM Launcher and write the IP address of the ASA and hit enter (notice that the user name and the password are left blank as we didn't yet configured on the users on the ASA). You will get the warning screen shown below.
- Just Click on Yes. Wait for a few seconds until the ASDM for ASA management console is loaded as shown below.
- Finally, save your configurations on ASA using the command write mem
That is all for today! Thanks for your time. See you later.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Allow For Ping in Cisco ASA
One of my friend asked me that he is not able to ping from his Cisco ASA device. If you also have the same issue, then here is how to enable ping in your ASA device.
The first thing you need to do is to define your outside interface and give it an ip address. for the sake of this lesson I use GNS3. I use the interface gig0 as an outside interface as shown below:
ciscoasa# show inter ip briefInterface IP-Address OK? Method Status ProtocolGigabitEthernet0 YES manual up upGigabitEthernet1 unassigned YES unset administratively down upGigabitEthernet2 unassigned YES unset administratively down upGigabitEthernet3 unassigned YES unset administratively down upGigabitEthernet4 unassigned YES unset administratively down upGigabitEthernet5 unassigned YES unset administratively down upThe command you will need to use is
ciscoasa(config)# icmp permit any outside
Where icmp is the protocol and outside is the name of the interface the we need to enable it to ping
That's all for today! Thanks and have a nice one
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Latex Error "! Text line contains an invalid character. l.2 "
Latex is very powerful text Editor which all High Education Degree Student use to write their these. If you have encountered the error of ! Text line contains an invalid character. l.2, then that's why you are reading this topic. I have encountered this error and after googling it, I have finally get the clue. To solve this problem, simple delete the .aux file and run the tex file and everything will be fine.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
How to Spot a Fake Rolex Watch?
Rolex is one of the most coveted luxury watches on the planet known for its quality, style, and prestige. Even if you are not a huge fan of watches, chances are that you have heard about Rolex watches.
In this post, I'm going to try to tell you how to make sure that you are not buying a replica watch
How to Tell if the Watch is Fake or Real?
- Know Your Seller
The first and the most important thing I would emphasize is that you must buy from a trusted seller only.
If you have decided to buy this type of watch from unauthorized sellers, from one of the e-commerce websites, you need to be careful. Because these are just platforms that bring sellers and buyers together. You might become a victim of entrusted sellers. Rolex watches are very expensive and there are some people who sell fake Rolex watch online. Therefore, I highly recommend you to not purchase from such website.
If you have decided to buy this type of watch from unauthorized sellers, from one of the e-commerce websites, you need to be careful. Because these are just platforms that bring sellers and buyers together. You might become a victim of entrusted sellers. Rolex watches are very expensive and there are some people who sell fake Rolex watch online. Therefore, I highly recommend you to not purchase from such website.
Never by from online selling websites, as they are likely to have dishonest sellers. Always try to buy from authorized resellers. Go to Rolex's website and try to find your nearest retailer. It is easy. Right?!
- The Serial Number
Serial Number or Model number of Rolex is one thing that you need to check prior to purchasing the watch. The original one will have its serial number and model number very perfectly and precisely engraved with fine lines. The fake one will have some dots and faints, because of the low quality of of marking. Notice that you will need remove the band to find the serial number.
- Second Hand Movement
This is one important criteria to spot the fake Rolex. The authentic Rolex will have very smooth second hand movement, whereas the fake one's pattern will "Click, Click, Click,...." . You can listen carefully to the watch. If you hear noise, a quiet "tick, tick, tick", then this watch is absolutely a real Rolex
- Second Hand Movement
This is one important criteria to spot the fake Rolex. The authentic Rolex will have very smooth second hand movement, whereas the fake one's pattern will "Click, Click, Click,...." . You can listen carefully to the watch. If you hear noise, a quiet "tick, tick, tick", then this watch is absolutely a real Rolex
- magnification Lens

The genuine Rolex's magnifies the date to 2.5 times, to be easy to read. The fake one, on the other hand, won't magnify the date. It is just a normal glass. Yes, some will magnify, but not as the actual Rolex does.
- Weight

Another thing to distinguish between a genuine Rolex and Fake Rolex is the weight. The Genuine one will weigh more than the replica one, due to the special materials used to manufacture the real one. Notice that this criteria might be difficult to use to spot the fake Rolex, but you still can use it.
- Water Test
Another way to determine whether your Rolex is real or not before you buy is to see if it is waterproof. While the real one is made to be a waterproof, the forger one won't stand against the water test. There are more tests you can perform. Just google them That's all for today. Good luck with your Rolex purchase
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