Wednesday, 23 December 2015

How to Spot a Fake Rolex Watch?


Real Fake Rolex

Rolex is one of the most coveted luxury watches on the planet known for its quality, style, and prestige. Even if you are not a huge fan of watches, chances are that you have heard about Rolex watches. 

In this post, I'm going to try to tell you how to make sure that you are not buying a replica watch  

How to Tell if the Watch is Fake or Real?

  • Know Your Seller

The first and the most important thing I would emphasize is that you must buy from a trusted seller only. 

If you have decided to buy this type of watch from unauthorized sellers, from one of the e-commerce websites, you need to be careful. Because these are just platforms that bring sellers and buyers together.  You might become a victim of entrusted sellers. Rolex watches are very expensive and there are some people who sell fake Rolex watch online. Therefore, I highly recommend you to not purchase from such website. 

Never by from online selling websites, as they are likely to have dishonest sellers. Always try to buy from  authorized resellers. Go to Rolex's website and try to find your nearest retailer. It is easy. Right?!  

  • The Serial Number 

real vs fake rolex stampings

Serial Number or Model number of Rolex is one thing that you need to check prior to purchasing the watch. The original one will have its serial number and model number very perfectly and precisely engraved with fine lines. The fake one will have some dots and faints, because of the low quality of of marking. Notice that you will need  remove the band to find the serial number. 

  • Second Hand Movement

This is one important criteria to spot the fake Rolex. The authentic Rolex will have very smooth second hand movement, whereas the fake one's pattern will "Click, Click, Click,...." . You can listen carefully to the watch. If you hear noise, a quiet "tick, tick, tick", then this watch is absolutely a real Rolex

  • magnification Lens 

Real vs Fake Rolex Dials

The genuine Rolex's magnifies the date to 2.5 times, to be easy to read. The fake one, on the other hand, won't magnify the date. It is just a normal glass. Yes, some will magnify, but not as the actual Rolex does. 

  • Weight
real vs fake rolex weight

Another thing to distinguish between a genuine Rolex and Fake Rolex is the weight. The Genuine one will weigh more than the replica one, due to the special materials used to manufacture the real one. Notice that this criteria might be difficult to use to spot the fake Rolex, but you still can use it. 

  • Water Test

waterproof watches

Another way to determine whether your Rolex is real or not before you buy is to see if it is waterproof. While the real one is made to be a waterproof, the forger one won't stand against the water test. There are more tests you can perform. Just google them That's all for today. Good luck with your Rolex purchase 

Friday, 18 December 2015

يوم اللغة العربية

يوم اللغة العربية 

بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للغة العربية (لغة القرأن الكريم) أود أن أكتب عن الخط العربي وبعض الخطاطين العرب على مر التاريخ, وذلك حسب ما وجدت في بعض المقالات التي تعتني بالموضوع. 
فالخط العربي كما يقال اينما ظهر بهر,, وايضا يقال ان الخط الحسن يزيد الحق وضوحا. وقد احببت ان اقوم بنقل بعض المعلومات من موقع ويكيبيديا 

أصل الخط العربي

ينحدر الخط العربي من الخط السرياني, كان العرب الشماليين متأثريين باللغة الآرامية ويتضح ذالك من نقوشهم النبطية.
تعددت آراء الباحثين حول الأصل الأول للخط العربي ومن أبحاث علماء اللغات السامية، تعد لغة المسند (في شبه الجزيرة العربية) متأثرة باللغة الآرامية في العراق والشام وفلسطين بين القرنين الثالث ق.م والسادس م.
يذهب الكاتب الأكاديمي حسان صبحي مراد إلى القول بأن خط المسند هو الأصل الأول للخط العربي، الذي سمي أيضا بخط الجزم -أي القطع- لاقتطاعه من خط المسند الحميري وعلى إثره استخدموا الخط النبطي (آرامي النشأة) نقلاً عن الأنباط الذين استوطنوا الأقاليم الآرامية فتحضروا بحضارتهم مستخدمين لغتهم وخطهم ليشتقوا منه خطهم المسمى بالخط النبطي الذي استخدمه ملوك العرب أولاً سنة 250 م ليتطور ويتشكل مبتعداً عن الخط الآرامي ومقتربا من كتابة (المسند).

نشأة الكتابة العربية

اختلفت آراء الناس كثيراً حول نشأة الكتابة العربية وعدّ العرب أن هذا أمر طبيعي وأن الكتابة هي وجه من وجوه الحضارة، وقد يطور أحدهم الكتابة فينال عمله رضا الناس فيأخذون به بسرعة ما ينتشر دون أن يفكر أحد بتأريخ حركته المطورة،

نشأة الخط العربي وانتشاره

إن اللغة العربية تتطور كنطق، فاللغة العربية كانت بالأصل لهجات تتميز عن بعضها البعض بين قبيلة وأخرى بحسب مواطن وسكن كل قبيلة وجيرانها، أو بحسب الدول والممالك التي قامت. وبمجيء الإسلام فيما بعد، توحدت هذه اللهجات بنزول القرآن على لهجة قريش، ويميل المؤرخون إلى أن الخطوط المتداولة في فجر الإسلام كانت خطوط ((الحيري – الأنباري الملكي – المدني – الكوفي – والبصري)) ومن المؤسف أن أشكال هذه الخطوط لا يعرف عنها شيئاً كثيرا لقلة النماذج.

الكتابة في زمن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

في زمن الرسول محمد (ص) جاء دين الإسلام ليرفع العرب والعالم أجمع دينياً وأخلاقياً، وكان الإسلام مرتبطاً باللغة العربية والخط العربي العريق. وقد ظهر الخط العربي بنسخ القرآن الكريم فانتشر بين العرب في العالم الإسلامي، وكان الناس يتداولون الرسائل على رقاع الجلد فانتشر بسرعة أيضاً، وبخاصة في الرسائل التي كان النبي محمد يرسلها إلى ملوك الروم والفرس، وعند إقامة النبي محمد في المدينة قام ببناء مسجد للتعلم فيه وكلف عددا من الصحابة للتعليم فيه وهكذا تابع الخط العربي التطور مع الوقت حتى يومنا هذا.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

How to Avoid Weight Gaining During the Holidays

How to Avoid Weight Gaining During the Holidays

holiday weight gain spoon

Gaining weight has become an obsession for many people. Food is essential for our body. But during holidays, we have more free time, more picnics and more food. Once we eat food, it is converted to energy to help us work and concentrate. If we can't control our food and type of food then controlling our weight gaining will be a challenge. Good news is that we can control our weight gain during holidays. Here are some tips how to do that, according to health professionals.

  •  Avoid Arriving Hungry 

Don't go to any picnic or invitation while you are starving. You can have some food before going there. Always remember picnics and invitations are not for food only. If you arrive starving, drink some water before start eating

  •  Divert Your Attention 

  During meeting You can do so many things other than just eating. You can have sport,  you can enjoy friends' company. Try to take your mind  off of food and think of somethings else. 

  • Pace Yourself 
Try not to eat the first hour of meeting. Eating during the first hour of the picnic will increase the chance of eating a lot. So, try to make yourself busy with something else during the first hour(s) of the picnic. 

  • Don't Eat Fast
Research shows that chewing your food 40 times results in eating 12 percent less than chewing food 15 times. This will also give the stomach more time to send a signal to the brain that it is full. 

  • Use Smaller Dishes and Spoons
“Big dishes and big spoons are big trouble,” Brain Wansink said. The problem is that when people eat in big dishes, they are likely to eat more than they need. So, it's better to switch  into smaller dishes

That's all for this post. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Battery Bouncing Test

How to Tell if Your Alkaline Battery is Dead or Not 


Do you want to know if your AAA and AA battery is full or not without using a battery tester?
The simple trick is to drop it a few inches onto a hard surface. This test is called bouncing test. If the battery is still standing up after landing, then the battery if full. If the battery bounces, then the battery is dead. 
You can try it 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

How to tell what type of USB connector you have by color?

How to tell what type of USB connector you have by color?

How to tell what type of USB connector you have by color

Have you ever wondered why some USB Ports or connectors have different colors? If so, then that is why you are reading this post.  

Basically the difference in colors is all about specifications (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, etc), but here are the details

  1. White Color 

This type of the USB connector is known as USB 1.x Plug. This was the first release of USB and that was in 1996. There was another version of this specification in 1998. Although the white colors indicates that it is USB 1, some are USB 2 compatible. The USB 1 is obviously slow and can transfer about 12Mb/s only! 

2. Black Color

Black usb 2.0 cable with type B connector isolated on white background. Macro image. Stock Photo - 32382473

This is the second generation of USB connectors. It was released in Apr-2000. This specification is also known as Hi-Speed as it is capable of  transferring  up to 480 Mb/s and it is compatible with the older version (USB 1)

3. Blue Color

This is the third generation (USB 3 and 3.1) and was released in  Nov-2008. This specification is known with its super speed, up to 3.2Gb/s and its compatible with USB 2. Then the USB 3.1 was introduced in Jan-2013 and this specification is capable of 7.2 Gbit/s. This specification is also known as SuperSpeed+

That is all. Thanks for your time :)

Saturday, 28 November 2015

الفراســـة: قراءة البشر عن بعد 

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الفراسة هي احد الصفات التي امتاز بها العرب في السابق والتي نحن بحاجة الى تعلمها لنقرا شخصية الشخص الذي نتعامل معه
وفي هذا المقال وهو منقول عن موقع اقرا عربي. ففي هذا المقال يشرح فيه الكاتب طريقة التعرف على شخصية الانسان من خلال ملامحه,, وفي مقال لاحق ساكتب باذن الله عن لغة الجسد وهي من الاشياء التي يجب علينا ان نتعلمها ايضا في حياتنا اليومية 

أهم ما في الفراسة أن تقرأ الوجه، والوجه يتكون من عينين وحاجبين وأذنين، وأنف وفم، وعليك أن تلاحظ ما هو شكله ثم بوسعك 
أن تحلل الشخص الذي بقربك. 

أولاً: شكل الوجه

 - الوجه الدائري:
 يعني أن صاحبه شديد العصبية وقد يقوم ببعض الأخطاء الذي تجعله يسترضي من حوله، ويجيد فن الإقناع،ولكن لديه الكثير من المشاكل التي يتحداها ويتأقلم معها، وغالباً أصحاب الوجوه المستديرة يعانون من السمنة، وقد يضحكون على أي شيء. 

- الوجه البيضاوي:

 الوجه الذي يشبه البيضة من أعلى الجبين وأسفل الذقن له نفس المسافة تقريباً مع انحناءة، وهم أشخاص هادئون مبتسمون لهم رونق وسحر خاص وجاذبية تجذب الناس إليهم، ونفوسهم طيبة ولهذا قد يقعون بخبث بعض الناس فتفسد علاقاتهم بسبب الثقة الزائدة، وقد يقولوا أي شيء وكل شيء بطريقة عفوية جداً.

- الوجه الذي على شكل مثلث، ضيق الجبهة :

أصحابه عمليون بمعنى أنهم يحبون العمل ويتحمسون إليه وإلى انجازه بأسرع وقت، وهم ايضاً لا يقبلون المزح، وإن قلت لهم نكتة ما فلن يضحكوا معك.

- الوجه الرفيع والنحيف:

 يسيطر على هؤلاء الاحباط بصورة سريعة إذا واجهتم المشاكل الحياتيّة، وقد يستسلمون له مؤقتاً، لأنهم حسّاسون جداً،  لكنهم لا يفشلوا فيما يخططوا له، وثقتهم بنفسهم عالية. الوجه المربّع: شخص ناجح جداً في الحياة لأنه يتخذ قراراته الجيدة بصرامة، ويقنع من حوله بالأدلة والحجج والبراهين وله أتباع، ويكون شخصية قيادية مستقبلاً.

 ثانياً: العيون

العين مرآة الشخص، فالعينان التي تنحدران لأسفل تدلان على طيبة الشخص وكرمه، أما العينان التي نهايتهما مرتفعة لأعلى فتدلان على شخص متفاخر ومغرور ومتسلط، وأصحاب العيون الداكنة كالسوداء والبنية، يميلون للغضب السريع لكنهم جيدون القرارات و الذين عيونهم ذات ألوان فاتحة كالأزرق و الأخضر فهم هادئون ويتحملون مصاعب الحياة.

ثالثاً: الحواجب

 الحواجب الطويلة أصحابها أذكياء جداً، والذين في حواجبهم فراغ ما لا يحالفهم الحظ في جميع أمورهم، ويكون الشخص مخادع وغشاش حينما يتقوس حاجباه أعلى الأنف، والذين لهم حواجب طويلة أشخاص وسيمون، والحاجب القصير وغير الكثيف يعني أنّ الشخص سيء الطّبع.

 رابعاً: الخدّان

 الخدود السمينة و المكتنزة دليل الصحة على العكس تماماً من الخدود الضامرة والنحيفة و غير الممتلئة فهي تشي بسوء الصحة والحال.

خامساً: الأنف

الأنف المعقوف يدل على أنّ صاحبه لديه موهبة ما ويرغب بإكتساب الشّهرة، وصاحب الأنفس العريض و السمين هو شخص متفاءل يتمتع بقدر من الأمل ، والأنف المستقيم يدل على شخصية حكيمة وماهرة في إنجاز تخصصها، والأنف الصغير دليل الجمال الساحر الملفت للإنتباه أمّا الأنف الذي تكون أرنبته لأعلى فهو يدل على شخص مسترخي ولا يبالي كثيراً.

 سادساً: الأذنان

كلما إرتفعت الأذنان نحو أعلى الراس كلما دلت على الفطنة و الدهاء، وذو شحمة الأذن السميكة و الطويلة محظوظين، أما الشحمة القصيرة فأصحابها غير أوفياء وذو الجلد الرقيق يتمتعون بشيء من السعادة.

 سابعاً: الشفاه

 تتكون الشفتان من شقين شفة عليا و شفة سفلى فاذا كانت الشفة العليا أكبر من السفة فالشخصية تتحلى بصبر طويل المدى وأما الشفتان الصغيرتان الممتلئتان فهما تدلان على شخصية كريمة تتمتع بالجود، أما إن كانتا صغيرتان و رفيعتين فإن الشخص يكون واثق من نفسه، و الشفتان الواسعتين والكبيرتين تدل على شخص متطلب دوماً يريد أن يمتلك شيئاً ما.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Installing Cisco ACS on VMware workstation

Installing Cisco ACS on VMware workstation

VMware workstation is one of the powerful tools that students and network engineers can use to create test labs for their study or work. In this post I’ll show you how to install Cisco ACS on VMware Workstation. So let’s begin.

First you need to know the minimum requirements for installing Cisco ACS.
The minimum requirement  are as shown below 

Requirement Type
Minimum Requirements
2 CPUs (dual CPU, Xeon, Core2 Duo or 2 single CPUs)
Hard Disk
A minimum of 60 GB is required.
Maximum storage is up to 750 GB.
Note ACS partitions the available disk space automatically during the installation process.
Note It is recommended that you allocate the hard disk size to be greater than 500 GB for the secondary instance, which acts as a log collector.
NIC (Network Interface Card)
1 Gb dedicated NIC interface
  • VMware ESXi 5.0
  • VMware ESXi 5.1 is supported after ACS 5.4 patch 3

Let's begin 
Now, let go to the VMware Workstation and configure the VM to be able to host the ACS.
  • -          Go to VMware and create a new virtual machine and leave it on the typical configurations as shown below and click next

  • -          In the next screen select the option I will Install the operating system later (This is very important) and click next

  •      Now from operating system choose Linux and CentOS 64 as shown below 

  • In the next screen choose the name of the virtual machine (Cisco-Acs) notice that you can change this name later. Click next 

  • In the next screen you will need to choose the virtual hard disk size. Choose 200 GB and the configurations as below and click next.

  • In the next screen click on customize hardware to configure the system requirements. Allow for 2 GB for RAM and make the network adaptor to point to the VMnet 1 or any other network adaptor. The most important thing is that the selected network adaptor has to be in the same subnet as the associate network drive in the host machine. In my case my VMnet 1 is The final configurations should look like the screenshot below click close

  • The following screenshot is the selected vmnet in the host machine

  • Now go to the virtual machine that you have just created and click edit virtual machine to choose the image of the ACS. Go to the CD/DVD and change the selected option into (use ios). Then navigate to the ios and click ok. The options should look like the screenshot below click ok and then click on power on this virtual machine.

  •        Wait for seconds until the options of installing the ACS appears. Choose the option 1 and click enter

  •  The next screens then will appear

  • In the next screen type setup and hit enter. 

  • After finishing the configurations, make sure that you can ping the ACS ip address from your host PC. I use the for the my ACS machine.

  • Ok. that all for this lab. In the next lab, we'll learn how to configure AAA on ACS.
Thanks .......

الثناء الالكتروني 

ان الانسان بطبيعته محب للثناء منذ نعومة اضافره,,, فكم حصلنا الثناء عندما كنا صغارا عندما استطعنا الجلوس ثم الوقوف ثم تبديل الخطوات في سنوات عمرنا الاولى,,, هذا الثناء تأصل فينا واصبحنا نحب الثناء ويعطينا دفعة معنوية للاستمرار في اعمالنا وربما هذا يدل على بعض الشعور بالنقص فالكثير منا لا يقبل النقض والراي الاخر.

في ظل انتشار مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي  (العالم الافتراض) كـ (فيس بوك,  تويتر, أوويشات) وغيرها من البرامج والمواقع تحول الاطراء والمديح من الطريقة التقليدية الى ما يعرف بـ like ولكن هل لـ like تاثير سلبي او ايجابي؟؟؟
البعض من الدراسات تشير الى ان لها تاثير ايجابي للبشر. بالرغم من انها مجرد ضغطة على الماوس الا انه اذا تنامى عدد اللايكات فان الانسان يشعر بالرضى عن نفسه. والبعض الاخر يعتبرها وسيلة لمشاطرة بعض البشر شعورهم العاطفي او اي مشاركة يقوم بها الاصدقاء على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. كذلك ان حصول الانسان على عدد من الاعجابات في مواقع التواصل قد يزيد من ثقى الانسان بنفسه وجعله اكثر رضاء عن النفس.

في المقابل,, بعض الناس قد يشعرون باحباط نتيجة لعدم الحصول على اعجابات متوقعة او حتى في حالة وجود تعليقات غير ايجابية. وفي بعض الاحيان يؤدي الامر الى حدوث خلافات ومشاكل بسبب عدم الحصول على اعجاب او تقديم اعجاب بعد فترة متاخرة من ادراج المشاركة. واحيانا بعض الناس يشعرون بالاستياء عندما يقوم الاصدقاء بعكل اعجاب فقط, لانهم بعتبرون ذلك مجرد ضغطة زر وليس واضح ما هو المغزى من هذا الاعجاب (هل هو اعجاب حقيقي؟ ام هو مجاملة؟ ام انه عدم اعجاب اصلا؟)

من ناحية اخرى يعتبر بعض الباحثين ان استعمال مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لفترات طويلة قد يصيب الانسان الاكتئاب. ففي دراسة سويدية اكدت ان بعض الناس الذين ابتعدوا عن المواقع الاجتماعية لمدة اسبوعين زاد مقدار السعادة بالنسبة لهم مقارنة بمجوعة اخرى لم يبتعدوا عن استخدام هذه المواقع. 

  It's crazy how virtual life affects our real life. Isn't it?

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Do You Think English is Easy?

If so, read this. You might rethink again 

1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 

2) The farm was used to produce produce. 

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 

5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 

8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

10) I did not object to the object. 

11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 

12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

13) They were too close to the door to close it. 

14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 

18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. 

20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? 

يوم البحر في اليابان 海の日 

يوم البحر: 
في اليابان يحتفل شعبها في ثالث اثنين من شهر يوليو بيوم البحر وهو عطلة رسمية لليابانيين،، يخرجون فيها للتنزه على شواطيء البحر ليعبروا للبحر عن شكرهم وامتنانهم   لدوره في تحسين الاقتصاد الياباني وتحقيق الرخاء، هذه العطلة هي عطلة رسمية مستحدثة بنص القانون الياباني،،، نحن ايضا كعرب بحاجة الى طلب مزيد من الاجازات لكي نتفرغ لشكر الله عز وجل على نعمة التي لاتحصى ولا تعدّ، ما يعني ان كل ايامنا ستكون عطلات رسمية (بنص القانون العربي) ماعدا يوم واحد هو يوم عيد الزواج لانه من الصعب ان تشكر احدا على هذا الموضوع، بل يجب ان يعتكف فيه بعض الازواج العرب للاستغفار... يتبع 
اقتباس من مجلة البيت العربي العدد 20 بقلم الكاتب محمد فتحي 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Why Would You Buy PC Anymore?

Apple has introduced an impressive product (iPad Pro). This product, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook, will be a replacement for Notebook and Laptop. “I think if you’re looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?”, asked Cook, who recently revealed he travels with just an iPad Pro and iPhone.

The iPad Pro has some enhancements over iPad 2 including its expansive 12.9'' Retina Display, nearly doubled CPU performance of iPad2.  

It comes with many built in apps that are essential for individuals and enterprises as well as many others can be found on Apple Store which designed for iPad.

The design of iPad Pro includes the most advanced Retina Display. This iPad has the highest level of Resolution compared with the other iOS Devices. 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Top 10 Writing Resume Tips

CV writing

Writing your CV is one of the most important and the first things to convince your employer. Here are some tips on how to write a good CV.  

Tip # 1: Write a clear objective in your CV: It is always important to be clear about what you are applying for. What will you provide to your employer (company)

Tip # 2: Don't use the same CV for all of your applied jobs: Try to customize you CV based on the job requirements. Each job has its own requirements, so never stick with the same CV. It's always a good idea to to consider writing your CV (job application) as a small assignment (1000 words assignment) 

Tip # 3: Make you CV very well organized: It is important to have your CV divided into sections and each section is highlighted with titles for each section (Qualifications, Professional Experiences, Soft Skills, etc). It is also a good idea to use bullets for writing brief details on your experiences, and don't write in very deep details. Leave that for your job interview :). Making your CV well organized will make your employers think that your job is also well organized and vice versa

Tip # 4: Write about your experience: When writing your experience section. Don't write any experiences that are irrelevant to the job description. Write your most current job first, then the next one and so on. Even if you don't have the exact needed experience, try to make it as close as possible. 

Tip # 5: Convince your employer: Try to show that you have done some volunteer works. This will give a good impression to your employer that you are a positive person. Hmmm, I encourage everyone to do that. If you are a fresh graduated, write about your graduation project, your lab experience, Software you used to work with in your study (such as Opnet, GNS3, SQL, Linux, etc)

Tip # 6: Watch your language: One of the most mistakes jobs seekers do is that they don't care about the language of writing their CV. People who are not Native English Speaker usually make some mistakes. In my point of view, these mistakes give your employers idea that you don't do your job perfectly. So, try to review your CV before sending it or ask one of your Native Language Speakers friends to review it for you. Also, try to make it simple and easy to follow. Don't skip between the main points 

Tip # 7: Write about your achievements: Include any prizes awarded in your previous career or in your education. 

 Tip # 8: Avoid writing anything personal details: Never write any personal details such as your ID Number, your religion, your nationality, ... etc

Tip # 9: Your Soft Skills: One of the most important things you can improve your career chance is to write some soft skills (Documentation, Presentation, Negotiation, Working well under pressure, ...etc. 

Tip # 10: Submit your application just before the dead line of the application: This will make your CV at the first of the applicants' list

That's all! and if you have been contacted for an interview, here are some short tips

1- When you are contacted and your employer tells you the time for interview, don't agree immediately on the appointment. Ask him to hold on a second to check your diary and see if there is any other appointment on that time, even if you know that there is no any :)

2- arrive on time and give your employer a call some minutes before you arrive. Don't arrive 20 minutes or more before time of interview (5 minutes are very good) to show that you don't waste your time. 

3- Have a Magazine or Newspaper while you are waiting in the reception. This also shows that you don't waste your time. 

4- During the interview try to make sure that you understand each question. If not try to use some expression to make sure (such as Do you mean....? Is it like....? ) Don't say what do mean or I don't understand. 

5- Finally, after the interview, you can ask if there will be any other meeting. Follow up your interview with a telephone call after some days. 

That's all! 
Good luck with your next career 

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Windows Server 2012 AD DS Pre-Installation Configurations

After you finish installing Windows Server 2012, the following screen will show up

Click on the option number 1 (Configure this local server)

Change the Computer and change the name to be DC1 and leave it as a workgroup member, Notice that you will need to restart the machine.

 Change the IP addresses, time zone and any other configurations that suits your needs. The IP addresses I use for this lab is Make sure you have disabled ipv6 if your organization has not yet started using it.

Configure updates as follows. Notice that you can configure the updates as you want, but that’s what 
I prefer.

Ok. Good! 
Next lab will be about how to install Active Directory Domain Service. 

Monday, 28 September 2015

Cisco DMVP over Frame Relay

Hello again,
One of my friends is trying to simulate DMVPN using Frame Relay. He had some issues to finish his lab. In this post, I'm gonna try to do this . So Let's begin :)
First of all we'll use GNS3 for achieving this lab. The components are:

  1. One Frame Relay Switch ( representing the Internet Cloud)
  2. Three Cisco Routers (37x) router 
  3. Three connecting cables for connecting the routers with the frame relay 

Now, the steps are

  • creating virtual circuits or Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC)  inside the frame relay to map the traffic between R1, R2 & R3 . So how many PCVs do we need? Yes, two PVCs! R1>R2 and R1>R3 and the traffic between R2 & R3 will be passed through R1 which is the spoke.
  • The Mapping of the interfaces show look like this

  • Cool. Now, connect port 1, port 2 & Port 3 with  s0/1 interfaces of R1, R2 & R3 respectively. The topology should look like this 

      • Now, we need to configure each interface to work with frame relay and map the traffics of each interface to the specific DLCI interfaces. To do this, write the following commands under inter s1/0. Notice that !I’m assuming that all router use the interface s1/0 to ! ! connect to the Internet 
      Under the interface s1/0 command, define the encapsulation to be frame relay and map each ip address wirh its specified dlci   port as below:
      This is for R1
      interface Serial1/0
       ip address
       encapsulation frame-relay
       serial restart-delay 0
       clock rate 64000
       frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
       frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast
      This is for R2
      interface Serial1/0
       ip address
       encapsulation frame-relay
       serial restart-delay 0
       clock rate 64000
       frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
       frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
      This is for R3
      interface Serial1/0
       ip address
       encapsulation frame-relay
       serial restart-delay 0
       clock rate 64000
       frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast
       frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast

      now, let’s configure the tunnel interfaces. We gonna use the tunnel 0 for all routers. Starting with R1, which will be the hub router for the DMVPN and it’s slightly different from R2 and R3. The commands are

      R1(config)#interface tunnel 0

      ! Firt we need to assign an ip address to the interface !tunnl0

      R1(config-if)# ip address

      ! second we will specify the source intrerface of this !tunnel, notice that for the hub router we can specify either the physical interface or the ip address, bcz the !ip address is not gonna be changed.

      R1(config-if)# tunnel source Serial1/0

      ! now, let’s enter the ip nhrp parameters
      ! the following two lines are for the hub only

      R1(config-if)# ip nhrp shortcut

      ! since we use point to multipoint topology, we need to specify that this gre is multipoint

      R1(config-if)# tunnel mode gre multipoint

      ! redirect means that the hub router will inform the !other two router that they can pass traffic between each ! other without passing it through the R1

      R1(config-if)# ip nhrp redirect
      R1(config-if)# ip nhrp authentication cisco123
      R1(config-if)# ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
      R1(config-if)# ip nhrp network-id 1

      ! To specify the MTU size, it is preffered to use the! !value of 1400
      R1(config-if)# ip mtu 1400

      ! The following command prevents the R1 to be always the ! next hop for R2 & R3. Means that the traffic goes to R2 ! from R3 should have R3 as its next hop and vice versa ! ! in eigrp routing table.  

       R1(config-if)# no ip next-hop-self eigrp 1

       ! next we need to disable split horizon feature in case ! we use one of the distance vector protocols

      R1(config-if)# no ip split-horizon eigrp 1

      ! specify the tunnel key. And u should use a strong key ! ! in the real environment. However, for the test lab we ! ! gonna use an easy key. This key must match on all ! ! ! ! routers

      R1(config-if)# tunnel key 123

      Now we’ve done with the hub router. Let’s move into the other router, and see what is the difference between the hub and the spoke routers

      R2(config)# interface Tunnel0
      R2(config-if)# ip address
      R2(config-if)# no ip redirects
      R2(config-if)# ip mtu 1400
      R2(config-if)# ip nhrp authentication cisco123

      ! nhrp must have the public ip address for the hub router

      R2(config-if)# ip nhrp map multicast
      R2(config-if)# ip nhrp network-id 1

      ! we need to specify the tunnel ip address for the hub 
      ! ! router using the keyword nhs = next hop server

      R2(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs

      ! also, we need to specify the public ip address for the 
      ! hub router and map the tunnel ip address to it.

      R2(config-if)# ip nhrp map

      ! tunnel source in the spoke routers must be the physical 
      ! interfaces, not the ip addresses. This is bcz the DMVPN 
      ! is based on the assumption that the spoke router don’t  
      ! have to have a permanent ip address

      R2(config-if)# tunnel source Serial1/0
      R2(config-if)# tunnel mode gre multipoint
      R2(config-if)# tunnel key 123

      ! that’s all for R2, and for any other router works as a spoke, all configurations are similar except the !tunnel ip address which must be a unique.